Reveal Your Beauty
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Aesthetic Treatments
Remove unwanted hair safely and permanently with Apilus Electrolysis – still the only permanent method available. Remove or reduce skin blemishes. Have healthier skin with Nimue Skin Technology

Electrolysis is a well established and trusted method of permanent hair removal and excellent for hormonally induced hair growth in women. Apilus is a world leader in machine technology offering a superior treatment.

Blemish Removal
It is easy to remove or reduce common blemishes such as facial broken capillaries, blood spots, skin tags, milia, sebaceous keratosis and more. If you would like a clearer complexion, click here for further information.

Nimue Skincare
Nimue is renowned for its expert understanding of the skin and the effective treatment of various skin conditions. It is a salon only brand and tailored to the professional and their clients. See what Nimue can do for you today.

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Bookings and advice, please contact:
mobile: 0788 430 1791